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Westborough Little League


1. I/We, the parents/guardians of the above-named candidate for a position on a Little League team, hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all Little League activities, including transportation to and from the activities.

2. I/We know that participation in baseball or softball may result in serious injuries and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the local Little League, Little League Baseball, Incorporated, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities from any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause. 

3. I/We agree to let Westborough Little League & Softball, Inc use the photographic image of our son/daughter (without identification) for promotional purposes on the website and other social media outlets. This permission extends only to images taken while participating in the normal day-to-day program activities and does not allow WLL&S to identify him/her by name without our permission.

Westborough Little League

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