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Westborough Little League

Baseball After Little League (Ages 13+)



In addition to running the Westborough Little League program for kids age 4-12, WLL also oversees the operations and governance of several competitive and recreational teams for our older aged (13 – 18 year old) players. These teams all play on the full-sized baseball diamonds throughout town during the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons.

SPRING SEASON – Registration Begins mid-January and closes around March 15

Westborough enters teams into the 495 Babe Ruth league who compete against surrounding towns (Northborough, Southborough, Marlborough, Hudson, and Plainville).  Games usually start by the third weekend in April and end by the middle weekend in June. Teams typically play two games per week on weekday evenings and on Saturdays with Sundays reserved for rescheduling make up games.  No games are scheduled over the Memorial Day Weekend. There are two divisions of play, the Junior Babe Ruth team (for players 13 and 14 years old) and the Senior Babe Ruth team (for players 14, 15, and 16 years old). 

495 Babe Ruth has mandatory balanced playing time rules, so ALL players are in the action every game unlike some programs and common sense rules are in effect to protect the arms of pitchers.   Managers and Coaches will be required to undergo a CORI background check.  Please consider volunteering to Coach or Manage your child's Team. 

The 495 League maintains its own website where you can view schedules and other information.  Please click here to be directed the 495 League website.

Note: Players who are assigned to the Middle School or High School teams can still play in the 495 Babe Ruth league.  495 Babe Ruth games are scheduled around the School team schedules during the weeknights (and play games on weekends as well) so there are very limited conflicts between the two sports.  That said, if you son is assigned to one of the school teams and they don’t feel like they can participate in both teams, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible (no later than April 15th) and we will issue a full refund.

SUMMER SEASON – Registration Begins on April 1st and closes around May 15th

Our program has the opportunity (based on interest and demand) to enter teams into three different leagues with varying level of competition. There is no requirement to participate on a spring season team in order to participate in the summer program.

Summer baseball is an opportunity for players to continue to play baseball after the spring season in an environment that is appropriate to their individual baseball skills and commitment level.  We strongly suggest that players who are members of their High School and/or Middle School teams talk to their coaches about what skills they should be working on over the summer and use these programs to assist in their individual development as well as continuing to develop their all-around baseball skills.

Central Massachusetts Senior Babe Ruth – At the conclusion of the High School season, players age 14-18 may elect to play for on the Westborough Senior Babe Ruth team.  This team competes in the CMSBR league against other MetroWest communities in a very competitive program that is essentially an extension of the High School season.  Because of the competitive nature of this team and league (and the limit on how many players can be rostered on each team) players will be asked to try out in front of the teams coaching staff in order to be selected to play on this team.  Because of the competitive nature of the league and the condensed schedule, players who register for this team truly need to maintain a serious commitment to the program. The season typically runs from early June through late July.

The manager for this team will be selected predominantly based on their prior baseball coaching experience, organizational abilities, and their availability during the course of the season. All coaches will be required to undergo a CORI background check.  If you’re interested in managing this team, please contact the league president who will reach out to all candidates to schedule interviews for this position prior to the season. There is no requirement that you have a son on this team in order to manage it.

The CMSBR maintains its own website where you can view rules, schedules, and other information about the league.  Please click HERE to be directed to their website.

Lou Tompkins All Star Baseball League – At the conclusion of the Middle/High School baseball season, players age 13-14 may elect to play on Westborough’s Lou Tompkins All Star Baseball Team.  Westborough has the option to enter teams within their 13 year old division OR their combined 13 & 14 year old division. Participation by Westborough in this league and on this team will depend on several factors, including the talent, number, and commitment of players who register for this team.  Much like the Senior Babe Ruth team, players seeking to play on this team will be asked to try out in front of the coaching staff in order to be selected to participate.  Lou Tompkins is a very competitive program that would require serious commitment from those players who are on the team, travel throughout central (and occasional trips to eastern Mass) note – they are hoping to have 2 divisions this year so it should just be central Massachusetts is expected. 

Games start in late June and run through mid-August, with an average 20-22 games being played by the team over that span.  Teams alternate between playing weeknight games one week, and then weekend games the following week – so families can take weekend vacations. 

The manager for this team will be selected predominantly based on their prior baseball coaching experience, organizational abilities, and their availability during the season. All coaches will be required to undergo a CORI background check.  If you’re interested in managing this team, please contact the league president who will reach out to all candidates to schedule interviews for this position prior to the season. There is no requirement that you have a son on this team in order to manage it.

Lou Tompkins its own website where you can view rules, schedules, and other information about the league.  Please click HERE to be directed to their website.

NOTE: Westborough has historically NOT entered a team into the Lou Tompkins program as we typically do not have enough interest in the program from our younger age groups.  Should enough interest materialize, we have an open invitation to enter a team in this league and feel it would be a great experience for our more advanced players to compete with their fellow Westborough teammates.

Minuteman League – At the conclusion of the Middle/High School season, players aged 13-16 may elect to play on the Westborough team(s) that compete in the Minuteman League.  This program is considered a recreational program and is not as competitive as the CMSBR league.  Players who register for this team will be placed on a roster (we do not “cut” players from this program) and will play equally with their teammates. That said, these games are fun and exciting and serve as a great opportunity for our players to continue to develop their baseball skills over the summer. Our teams compete against other communities throughout MetroWest in a 16-game season which ends with a competitive, single elimination, playoff.

The manager for this/these team(s) will be selected predominantly based on their prior baseball coaching experience, organizational abilities, and their availability during the course of the season. All coaches will be required to undergo a CORI background check.  If you’re interested in managing this team, please contact the league president who will reach out to all candidates to schedule interviews for this position prior to the season.  There is no requirement that you have a son on this team in order to manage it.

The Minuteman League maintains its own website where you can view rules, schedules, and other information about the league.  Please click HERE to be directed to their website.

A quick note about American Legion Baseball: Westborough High School players are able to try out to play for the American Legion Post 234 baseball team, based in Northborough.  This team is made up of players from Westborough and Algonquin High Schools and being assigned to this team’s roster is an extremely competitive process.  Westborough Baseball does NOT have any official relationship with this program, but it is worth mentioning as many of our town’s top baseball players do participate in this program.  Their season typically runs from early June through mid-July, with up to 6 games per week being played.  If you are interested in finding out more about the Post 234 Baseball team, we recommend you check out their tryout schedule and reach out to their coaching staff.  Information about this options can be found on their website by clicking HERE

FALL SEASON – Registration begins in July 15 and closes in late August

Following the conclusion of the Little League season in August, Westborough has the opportunity to enter teams into the 495 Babe Ruth “Fall Ball” league ~ who compete against surrounding towns (Northborough, Southborough, Marlborough, Hudson, and Plainville) as well as organize games against other central Mass towns under the Little League umbrella.  Games can be somewhat laid back (as is typical for Fall Baseball) with games running from mid-September to late-October (typically, teams play between 8-12 games).  There are two divisions of play, the Junior Babe Ruth team (for players who have just finished their little league careers ~ 13 years old ~ and are making the transition from the small diamond to the larger one) and the Senior Babe Ruth team (for players 14, 15, and 16 years old). 

495 Babe Ruth “Fall Ball” has mandatory balanced playing time rules so ALL players are in the action every game unlike some programs and common sense rules are in effect to protect the arms of pitchers.   Managers and Coaches will be required to undergo a CORI background check.

The 495 League maintains its own website where you can view schedules and other information.  Please click here to be directed the 495 League website.

Any question regarding baseball after Little League may be directed to Rob Nagi, WLL Babe Ruth Commissioner at [email protected]

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